Saturday, May 10, 2014

Day Nine Hundred and Seventy-One

The Jingle Bells

Before the bells, I had a tendency to fall asleep with a gun in my hand. Yeah. Truth. Ok, I deserve to be yelled at, I know. I've just always had this fear that I'd have my gun but wouldn't be able to hear the burglar, rendering the gun useless! Now, there ain't no way I won't hear it. And if by some miracle, they still get in, then hey, it's my time, and if God wants me, I won't argue. 

I also will mention, that last night, I had the best night of sleep I've ever had without my husband. I will certainly credit the bells (and my Grama) for making me feel more secured, but probably more than the security the bells have given me, is the realization of the security that the Lord has given me. I've been doing a Bible study with some of the baseball girls and this week, I grew tremendously in what it means to trust in the Lord. Ultimately, He alone is my security. He is my power. And by fearing as I do, I am doubting the One who gave me life in the first place.

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.
In God, whose word I praise- 
in God I trust and am not afraid.
What can mere mortals do to me?
-Psalm 56:3-4


  1. Love the jingle bells. Love the Psalms scripture MORE!

  2. Just to be clear your landlord did not give me a key to your place. If she would have offered it to me I would not have taken it because that would make me very uncomfortable. You don't even know me so please don't judge..
