Monday, January 7, 2013

Day Four Hundred and Eighty-Four

The Pool Rules

It's probably been over a month since Adam and I have "laid out." Maybe even two. And when you're in South Florida, that's unacceptable. UNLESS you live here permanently, in which case, your blood has thinned and 70 degrees feels like 50. Lucky for us, yesterday was a scorcher: 85 degrees. I begged Adam to lay by the pool with me, but he refused and instead, swam a bunch of laps in the chilly water. As for me, I tanned. It didn't work. I'm still pasty white. But it felt good and I read a bunch and that's all that matters. 

With all the craziness of last year aside, I'm now settling into a routine. Reading is something I try to do daily, along with writing. On Writing Well is a book suggested to me by Josh Martin. And it's exactly about that - how to write well. For a girl who wants to write a book, this is exactly what I need.

Adam and I never go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink. But that doesn't mean that throughout the day, plates and bowls and pots and pans haven't accumulated. We eat a lot here. Actually, let me rephrase that: Adam eats a lot here. And that means: a lot of dirty dishes. To make our lives easier, I've insisted upon a new rule: Pick one side. I took it from Grama, who's biggest pet peeve is dirty dishes in both sides of the sink. She's a genius. And I don't know why I never thought of it before. If one side of the sink is completely clean, it's 100 times easier and faster to complete the dreaded chore. Thanks Grama! Oh, and she has the best taste in dish soap too...hence our pink Palmolive. It smells so good. And it's soft on your hands too. Oh yeah baby. That's when you know you're a housewife :)


  1. At least you only have to pick up after 1 and it stays clean for the duration they are gone. ;) You have 1 kiddo how about adding another? lol (men are always kids but that is NEVER a bad thing)

  2. Just wait... once you guys have kids, those dishes will sit overnight guaranteed. ;)

    Oh, and that palmolive is nice!

  3. Kristin! You sound like my husband! NO ADDING ANOTHER right now! Haha :) And I'm sure the rules will be bent once they come along.

    Jason, just because of your matter-of-factness, I'll prove you wrong! And yes, Grama has quite the taste. LOVE IT! (And her too...ok, and you).
