Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day Four Hundred and Twenty-Two

The Squiggly Backs

Our family has a history of terrible back problems. And they didn't choose to shy away from Ellie. Or Shelby. Or me. We're all plagued with ailing spines and fight daily with the pain and discomfort of misaligned vertebrae. I had surgery. Shelby had surgery. And Ellie...she has the chiropractor. Lucky duck. Her back apparently looks like a crooked squiggle. She has scoliosis (as does Shelby), but hers, fortunately can be healed by a chiropractor. Shelby wasn't as lucky and instead, has two metal rods in her back. Let's hope Doctor can get Ellie's back feeling better before she has to look for other more invasive options!

Basically, our kids are doomed. Ok, that's a bit of melodrama for the day. Adam's back is just fine. Healthy as can be. Except for the knots and twisted vertebrae. Not to worry...Doctor to the rescue! He put Adam's back back to it's rightful position and told us to schedule weekly appointments for Adam from here on out. I don't think Adam will have a complaint in the world about that! Now...I want some back cracks! No fair!

On a more serious note, we finished Dad's obituary last night. It was painful, hard, and just basically sucked. I don't want to do that again for a very, very long time. 

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