Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day Ninety-Five

The Late Arrival

I couldn't help myself. I had to cheat again. The past 10 hours of traveling have offered us an insightful dose of the future. And I'm not sure I like where we're headed. First, we arrived in Denver (always reminds me of "Denver the Guilty Dog" on Youtube..), starving. Healthier options are always sparse, especially in airports, but we managed upon Schlotzskys. And what I saw wasn't even worth the quality of their food. Instead of actually talking to a PERSON, we were instructed to manually select our entire order by perusing a giant touchscreen iPad while their workers stood waiting. Uhm, HELLO?! Is this really necessary? You want to know where all the jobs are...well, that's simple, they've been given to computers of course! *Sigh* After 5 minutes of dinking around with the screen, Adam and I decided to boycott their restaurant altogether and walked down to Quiznos instead, where we could order from real people. When we boarded our second flight, I got a second surprise - TVs inserted into the backs of each seat with SportsCenter playing the majority of the trip. Good to know I can keep up with my cable-viewing enjoyment while flying 30,000 feet in the air (Sarcasm). Something about that just doesn't seem right to me. How about a book? Maybe a crossword? Hmmm...And to cap off my incredulous day at the airport, we blew a tire on the offramp of our exit, only 1 mile away from home. It's 1:00 AM at this point, we're slightly delusional, and feel like jerks already for keeping The Rickards up so long in the first place! We are happy to say, however, that the doughnut tire is securely fastened, and Adam and I are back home...safely and comfortably. WITHOUT ANY WIGGLY RICE!

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