Friday, October 21, 2011

Day Forty-One

The Everything Room

So, apparently it takes more than a purchase to move furniture into your house. It takes days. And more than just one day too. So, naturally, our once-bedroom has now morphed into our current-multipurpose room. Think dining room, living room, office room, laundry room...all in one! 

Because we still don't have any living room furniture, our bed continues to function as our couch as well. And now we're stuck with a TV in our room. A big BOOOO to that one, but my dearest husband needs a place to watch the World Series, and our bed is the only comfortable "chair" to sit on in our house. Our couch can't come soon enough. The decision to buy the TV was one of the most difficult so far. We went back and forth on the subject for a while - since we've had so much fun together without one in this past month - and now, the electronic intruder is sitting at the foot of our bed. But, at least now we can enjoy the games at home, which we haven't gotten to do yet. And I finally got to see the West Palm Beach News for the first time - a little relief to my eyes, which have only been able to keep up with the world through the internet. But although our room has turned into a sort of unwanted catch-all, we're still happy and loving every second of the experience. Marriage is such a beautiful gift!

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