Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Ninety-Seven

The Multi-purposed Sink

-A sneak peak into my everyday-

So I don't know about the rest of America, but this is my reality. And my husband likes to poke fun at me for it. Yes, I know I'm a nut. When Adam first witnessed my makeup routine, his eyebrows curved together in peeked curiosity - like everyone else's do when they see me like this. Why in the world are you sitting in the sink, he laughed. I explained that while most normal multi-tasked women can stand and apply makeup at the same time, I simply cannot. And I won't. Never have. My mom taught me how to do my makeup a long time ago, and when she did, I was sitting on the edge of the sink with my feet on the toilet looking up at her. They say some things never change. Well, this is one of those things. Unless of course, one day, I have a vanity that I can sit at instead…Adam…*cough*…

And why is there a dining room chair in the bathroom, you ask…I sit on that to do my hair :)


Also, Adam throws one inning in his first game of Spring Training tomorrow at 1:05 PM. Here we go!!