Monday, February 24, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Ninety-Six

The Hour of Autographs

It's still Spring Training.
I swear.
It's just that the first two weeks of Training are scheduled for team drills, practice, and bullpens…meaning…I'm not around to take pictures. Cuz…I would be the only wife there. And that would be weird. Even though I wish it wasn't weird. Because, hey, I like knowing and seeing what's going on too. Don't get me started. Anyways, yesterday, the Marlins held an autograph signing day for their most loyal fans in Roger Dean Stadium. Me being me, of course, I wanted a sneak peak at the action. Of the 5 tables that were set up around the field, I spotted Adam almost immediately, but my efforts to take a closer picture of him were thwarted, so this is all I could muster! He and the rest of his teammates spent an hour of their afternoon hanging out with the community, signing autographs, and talking baseball. It was a long day, but a good one. 

Adam update:
He threw his first live BP (batting practice) of the season yesterday! He mentioned that it went well. Still work to be done on the slider, but it's coming along! In just a few days, games will start, and as soon as I know more information, you will too! :)

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