Friday, December 20, 2013

Day Eight Hundred and Thirty

The 2013 Conley Christmas Card

Ok, ok! Enough! You can stop feeling sorry for us now. Geeze, we were only out in the freezing cold temperatures for two hours while creating this wintery Christmas wonderland. If we would've had to make the sandman for a third time - which would've kept us in the chilling elements for another hour - then I would certainly allow for a longer period of sympathy. But that wasn't the case. The sandman only had to be created twice…he completely crumbled the first time, right as we plopped on his head. <Insert happy-frustrated Christmas face here> 
But, for this family, the second time was a charm and I think it's safe to say we won the battle against the elements on this one ;)

Merry Christmas, friends!

And since it's been brought to my attention - yes, the answer is yes, I am wearing a bathing suit. Because that's what people in Florida wear at the beach. It's just that normally, green scarves don't cover them up. 

And for the backside: our annual year-in-review.

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