Saturday, December 21, 2013

Day Eight Hundred and Thirty-One

The Replacements

So currently, I have the oh-so important title of Adam's throwing partner. Yes, me! Ha! And though I'd say that I'm definitely not the worst partner ever, I'm certainly no professional baseball player. I can  throw a ball decently, and I'm mostly not afraid to catch it, but I think it would be fair to say that at least three times per throwing session, a ball bounces either off the ground, off my glove, or off a body part. Whoops! Hey, I'm a little rusty ok! Maybe if Adam played catch with me more than just during the offseason, we wouldn't have this issue! I blame him! :) So anyways, it ends up that the balls we throw around get a little scuffed up - sometimes, a lot scuffed up. And when you only have one big league ball left that doesn't resemble a slobbery doggie chew toy, you've got yourself a problem. A big one. But not anymore! Thanks to Adam's agent, our MLB baseball collection was replenished yesterday…and no longer is Adam forced to toss mangled balls! Hallelujah! Now for keeping them white...

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