Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Day Eight Hundred and Thirty-Five

"...The Joy of the Lord is Our Strength"
                                                    -Nehemiah 8:10

A pre-Christmas necessity: burn the calories before you eat them!

Calories burned, Crossfit Jupiter says MERRY CHRISTMAS friends! 

Now for the fun part! Food and fellowship!
Can I just say that for real: we've seriously been so blessed by the sweetest people on Earth. Not wanting us to spend Christmas Eve alone, Trace's mommy and daddy (Nate and Jordan) invited Adam and I to their home after church to celebrate the Eve of the Savior's birth with their family. It was incredible. The decorations. The food. The desserts. The gifts. The family! We  are so grateful. Wow.

Wow wow wow.
Like, really?! I can't stop smiling!
Two nights ago, we went around our building handing out treats to our neighbors and wishing them a Merry Christmas. When we got home last night, we were in for a surprise. One neighbor was so grateful for our little gift that she went and baked Adam and I cookies...and then left them and a note saying how happy and excited she was to get to know us!! Praise Jesus! 

We are overflowing with joy. Wow. God is so good.
Merry Christmas.

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