Saturday, October 19, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Sixty-Eight

The Truck's Second Birthday and Our First Football Game
(And the Cutest Little UA Boys Ever!)

He got a special birthday wash yesterday in celebration.

And these two handsome boys, they got a special treat too! Uncle and Auntie sent them over some matching Under Armor gear to enjoy the chilly Washington autumn in. And you bet they're lovin it. Esecially since, "Uncle Adam is on my new t-shirt!" as Hunter told us. Haha! If Bearett could talk, I think he'd tell you how cool Uncle Adam looks in the dark...when he glows! 
We just love these two little treasures!

And for our little surprise treat, Adam and I decided to attend a local high school 6A football game, just for the heck of it! We were both quite stunned at how different our game experiences were while we were in high school though. Last night, the band never stopped. The kids were in shorts. And the student section was nowhere to be seen. We intend on scouting out a few more games this season to determine if all Florida schools were like this one...or if maybe their lack of spirit and over-performing band was just an outlier. The shorts...well, we do live in Florida after all. I guess I'm just still getting used to the fact that it's late October and still 80 beautiful degrees at night. When I was a kid, you didn't go to a football game in anything less than your Letterman's, your gloves, your scarf, and your boots. I'm good with the shorts, for now!

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