Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Sixty-Nine

The Safe Hunter

Adam here, I attended a hunter safety course in Hendry County(2 hours west of jupiter) yesterday. I have been going through the long process of getting new hunting gear, and equitment from scratch. For those of you who don't know, hunting gear is expensive, and there is a lot of it. Among my laundry list of things to do, qualifying me to legally hunt, was pass a hunter safety course. When I was younger I always went huntin with Pa, and was exempt from needed such license. Now that i'll be tagging my own game and getting my own permits, I needed a hunter safety certificate. So off to Hendry county, in a town called Clewiston. I would have attended a course nearer to Jupiter, but because of the limited classes ran throughout the year, I sped the process up about 3 weeks by driving to Clewiston yesterday.  It was necessary to get certified, so it was necessary to go to the class. I could have sat down and taken the test and passed, but as a safety precaution I suppose, I had to show them that I knew how to properly, and safety use a shotgun, bolt action rifle, and bow and arrow. This section, and the majority of my time spent there was pretty much a waste of my time. but in order to hit the woods, and to RESPONSIBLY(for all you anti-hunters out there) and legally hunt deer, it's all worth it.

Here is a look at the front of the Hendry county Sheriff's office Shooting Range, where the classroom section of the course was held.

One area of the outdoor training facilities at the shooting range. These areas are also used for training and firearm qualification for the Sheriff's office. Another section was further down the road, it was there that I passed the shotgun section of the course. Got a 100 on the test...been a while since I scored one of those on a test. I guess thats a sign that I belong in the woods, or on the baseball field, not at a desk. 

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