Saturday, September 7, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Twenty-Six

The Man's Kind of Shopping

Yesterday was my first time ever in a military surplus store. 
With so many people in my family having served before, I know I know, shame on me. But I blame them. They're the ones who shoulda taken me! 

It was everything I could have possibly imagined my Papa's dream garage to be. This place had all sorts of I-don't-know-whats and I've-never-seen-its hanging and piled and stocked up as far as mine eyes could see! It was a shopping paradise for any military man or hunting fan...which is exactly why I ended up there. My Adam has got his heart set on getting back to his days of old, where hunting and fishing ruled his weekends with Daddy. Not that I mind. It's just something new to adjust to. Before long, my friends, I'll have a bow-hunting, deer-killing, hairy old (actually, not hairy or old...his face'll never look like that) mountain man living in my home. And I think that's kinda sexy. Hehehehe.

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