Sunday, September 8, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Twenty-Seven

The Beginning of Jacksonville's End

Whelp. The time has come to pack again. Like, NOW.
Adam and I have a ridiculously busy September ahead of us:

On the tenth, we celebrate TWO WHOLE YEARS of marriage.
On the twelfth, we fly out of Florida and into Washington. For 18 days.
On the fourteenth, I inch a year closer to my 30th (oh my gosh).
On the nineteenth, I host a bachelorette party for my best, Suey.
On the twenty-first, I stand next to Sue as she marries Kyle.
On the twenty-first, I also have to give a maid-of-honor speech (ahhhhh!)
On the twenty-second, we'll go to Pullman and worship with Resonate Church.
On the twenty-second (or third), we'll travel to Olympia.
On the twenty-ninth, we fly back to Florida.
On the thirtieth, we arrive in Florida.
On the first of October, we move to Jupiter.
And then, we'll finally be back home.

So...that leaves us, oh about 2 whole days to pack our Jacksonville apartment before we have to move in another 22 days. Whoa. Knowing full well that this Conley couple does absolutely NOT do well together under ANY type of time restraint when it comes to packing or moving, we got a head start in order to save one of us from a restless night's sleep on the couch (hahahaha...that was a joke. Even when we fight, we always fall asleep next to each other. We just don't touch. Hahahaha). 

When it comes to moving in this household, we've become decently efficient in clearing everything out of the place that we don't need. Including gigantic piles of fan mail. Instead of opening the envelopes as he gets them over the season, signing the cards, and sending them off that very day, Adam has let this stack pile up over the entire year. Not nice, Honey. Not nice to your fans. Not nice to your hand. And definitely not nice to your tongue that now tastes like envelope! Maybe yesterday, he learned his lesson. I guess we'll find out next year.

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