Friday, September 6, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Twenty-Five

The Leftover Locker

I finally emptied Adam's two huge locker room bags yesterday.
The amount of contents he managed inside those two bags astounded me. So did the smell. Uh! How in the world, Honey, did all of this fit into your locker? Like, how was it even possible? That's at least 8 pairs of shoes, FOUR gloves, maybe 7 hats, a pillow, a blanket, another pillow, dirty clothes, tupperware, shakers, baseballs, and more dirty clothes. <Insert wife head shake here> Our condo smelled - and looked, for that matter - like a locker room the entirety of yesterday. I finally moved his four pairs of spikes (cleats) outside onto our balcony. I couldn't stand the stench. In his defense, though, I am known for my curiously powerful sense of it might not have necessarily smelled as bad as I made it out to be in my sniffer. But actually, it probably did. Yuck. Adam's chore in the upcoming days: clean - or get rid of - those sweaty, putrid, but good looking pairs of shoes.

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