Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Forty-Three

The Little Men

Yesterday, we gladly spent all day hanging out with our two little nephews. And since they're easily the cutest kids we've ever seen, the camera came out and stayed a while. Bearett turned 3 months old on the 22nd, and holy moly is he just the sweetest, happiest, most calmest baby of all time. He eats 6oz of soy formula every 4 hours and then passes out between meals. He likes kisses, singing, and Uncle Adam's face.

He also loves his hat.
And looking really really cute. 

Hunter will be 3 in exactly a month. This boy - by far - is the smartest, coolest, most polite toddler walking this earth. He asks at least 400 "whys" a day, loves spaghetti, and prefers "Jesus music" over everything else. He prays before he eats, uses phrases like "one moment please," and just like his baby cousin, LOVES auntie kisses. 

He also loves making jokes.
And looking really really cute.

While Papa played with Bearett...

Adam played with Hunter.

...turns out, it didn't go so well for Hunter. Holding his teeny tiny bat, he couldn't manage to hit the regular-sized baseball. And instead of understanding just how hard hitting a ball is with a normal-sized bat, he cried and cried and cried over his multiple failures. It was the funniest, most heartbreaking happening of our week.

This sequence of Bearett faces was pretty funny too!


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