Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Forty-Four

The Shelby Girl

So it happened yesterday that the rental car we were supposed to drive from Spokane to Olympia was going to cost $400. Apparently, there's a $300 drop-off fee? WHAT? News to us. Ugly news. In a slight panic, we looked for other options. The bus? The train? The airport? The Craigslist posting? No. No. No. And no. Then, I posted on Facebook. And sure enough, I got a response right away...from Sue! Her and Kyle were headed to Seattle for a mini-honeymoon Mariners game and had some extra room to take us!! Wahoo! THANK YOU JOHNSONS! 
PS: Marriage looks good on the two of you!

We needed to get to see this pretty girl!!! My middle baby sissy!! Spencer too ;) 

Gosh she's just so sweet! Love that smile...and that face!

Adam and I took Shelby and her boy to Seattles's "The Pink Door;" a popular Italian resuraunt in the heart of Downtown Pike's Place. Since I'd never shared a drink with her before, I thought it would be fun (and Italian-appropriate) to order us each a glass of wine. I sipped mine (like you're supposed to), but Shelby, she threw hers back as fast as she could. Apparently, she hates the taste of wine enough that the thought of sipping on it was worse than taking it like a shot. Oh my gosh, Shelby crack me up. So cute. 

We've all lived in Washington our whole lives (minus our past two years in Florida), but never once have we visited Pike Place together. Yesterday, the four of us changed that!! 

We sat on a pig...

Licked the gum wall...

Posed by the gum wall....

Posed even more by the gum wall...

Gawked at this super hot guy by the gum wall...

Admired The Big Wheel...

Walked through the pier (where that same super hot guy appeared again).

And finally, Shelby and Adam tried boiling Spencer and me!! Hey now! Not necessary! :)

We had a blast with my Shelby girl and were SO happy to finally get to spend a little time with her. We miss her company, her humor, and her precious heart more than she knows. WE LOVE YOU BABY SISSY!! You've become such beautiful woman and we're so, so proud of you. 

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