Saturday, September 28, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Forty-Seven

The Conley Crew

Adam and I have been on a Washington whirlwind for the past 16 days. It’s been such a rewarding trip, but we’re a lot - A LOT - tired. Last night though, we were able to take a little break from our crazy schedule and sat down for a nice Olive Garden dinner with Dad, Tracy, and Alex. And yes, dessert too. I ate half a pumpkin cheesecake slice and it was every calorie worth it! Mmmmmm.

Love my Conley men!

Looky this! Larry opened up the Jacksonville Suns’ website last night to show me a little surprise. See that big lefty on the right?! That’s Adam on the Suns’ homepage! How awesome!

And then...there was a groomsmen pyramid in the living room...

And then a wrestling match...
Put half of Adam’s best friends in one room and there’s bound to be silly shenanigans! My boy has missed his boys, and since being back, he’s been able to spend some good, quality moments with them. And we’re so thankful for that! 

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