Friday, August 23, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Eleven

The Late Night Homework Help

This was the scene of my yesterday 4:00 AM. Yes, you read that correctly. P is a long way from A on the keyboard and even in my most exhausted moments, I wouldn't make that mistake. Not PM...AM! *Yawn*

My mommy is in the process of getting her Masters in psychology...while working, exercising, wifing, cooking, cleaning, mommying, and grandmommying both a two-year-old and a two-month-old. I'm tired just thinking of all that! Anyways, she's currently enrolled in a statistics course of which she absolutely loathes. I don't blame her. She's a writer...not a math wizard. Luckily for her though, she has two kids who could be considered at least math apprentices...or whatever title describes a few levels beneath the Math Wizard (we certainly don't carry that status). Morgan, my baby sissy, definitely has a way with numbers, and me, I worked my way through Calculus II in college. Surely this trifecta of educated women could navigate a simple statistics assignment with ease, right? Ooooh nooo. Wrong. So wrong. We all worked together - them in Washington and me in Florida - amassing our brain powers to finally finish the assignment at midnight...Pacific Standard Time. That's 3 AM my time, people. And at that point, I still hadn't written my blog either, so this sleepyhead didn't hit the pillow until four in thaaaa morning. Gosh, talk about feeling like a college kid again. Yuck. Thanks, but no thanks! I served my time! Hahaha. My Mom is a trooper. And although I don't prefer late night homework, I'd help her any time, any day. She'd do - and does - the same for me. I'm so proud of you, Mom. Your workload is heavy - heavier than most - but you manage to keep a smile on and your focus straight. That's true character. I love you with all my heart!

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