Thursday, August 15, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Three

The Twenty-Second Start

It was a good night for baseball.
Adam's aunt Kim came to watch his twenty-second start of the year...
And if you look closely, she's the redhead at the very front taking a picture of her nephew!

Adam was off to a great start.
He'd gone 2 and 2/3 innings before...

This happened.
Saddest, most frustrated husband ever. He stood on the mound as his whole team walked off the field...and then finally, when he had no other option, he walked too.
Worst luck in the whole entire Southern League.
I think if I were to go back through Adam's last ten starts, they'd either have been played:
1) During the day
2) During the rain
3) After a rain delay

He seriously cannot catch a break. Every game, it's something. And it's beginning to wear on my very last nerve :( Can we just get ONE normal start? Please?!

This is a ball field right?! Because it looks more like a pool to me.
He threw 2 2/3 innings before the rain and thunder stole his thunder...his line:
3H, 1BB, 3K
Since the game was postponed, Adam doesn't get to pitch again for another 5 days. That's how it goes for starting pitchers.
Grumpy face.

But grumpy turned happy when this happened. We haven't seen Aunt Kim in almost two years...and she hasn't seen Adam play ball since he was maybe 10! It was the best reunion. And though the rain decided to ruin our game, it didn't ruin our night. We got a few more hours with her because of it!

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