Sunday, August 18, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Six

The Goodbye Packer

As the wife of this Conley household, I'm in charge of the laundry. Me. Only me. I wash it, dry it, fold it, hang it...AND pack it. Because I can't trust Adam with his own suitcase. If it were up to him, his 10-day road trip bag would contain half the amount of clothes I packed...and I only packed the bare essentials: A few shorts, some sweats and trunks, workout stuff, socks, shoes, and of upmost importance: 10 undies and 10 polos. Because he'll be gone for TEN days. And you just can't pack less than that! Sure, I won't see him for ten days, but that doesn't give him any right or freedom to be stinky or gross. No sir! 

I finished packing and headed to the field, where Aunt Kim was waiting for me. It was her last day in Jax, and though we're sad to see her go, we're so happy for the amount of time we got to spend with her. She's the sweetest, most thoughtful woman and we're so thankful for her precious heart! We love you Aunt Kim! See you soon!! Promise :)

My girls left. Kim left. Then Adam left. And then I was all alone. Naturally, my face arranged itself this way. Sad girl in a big city. Pooooooor Ken. Hahaha ;) Just kidding, I'll be (kinda) fine!

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