Monday, August 19, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Seven

The Night I Almost Quit

Yesterday, I was this close to throwing my (technically, Adam's) computer at the wall, stomping on my phone, and quitting my blog. Like, for real, THIS CLOSE! I called Adam in a wild, enraged panic, crying over my all too-familiar frustration with this blog, my (lack) of internet, and the iPhone5, which was the worst upgrade of my life. I'm being serious. Here's been the theme of my last few months of blogging:

1) No internet in our condo
We love everything about our Jax home. And are so thankful for it. All the utilities come bundled into our rent, making it especially convenient for us. Well, all the utilities except internet. We decided against purchasing internet because we can use the hotspot on our phones...and we have free internet on the first floor.

2) The hotspot on my phone never works (but it used to work before the 5)
The hotspot on his: works like a charm. It's all fine and dandy when he's here, but when Adam is gone, and I attempt to post my blog...hurricane Kendall comes out to play. She's mean and hates her phone's internet connection...or lack thereof...and doesn't have anything nice to say about it.

3) I post too late sometimes.
Usually, I try to have the blog up midday, before I go to Adam's game. But sometimes, that just doesn't happen, for whatever random reason. So, I start writing it when I'm tired. My fault. Bad idea. 

All that to say, when the hotspot isn't working, and it's 1:30 AM, and my pictures just won't upload, and I'm too scared to go downstairs to post the darn thing, it makes my insides boil...which in turn, makes me want to throw my hands up and walk away. Thankfully, there's always that calm voice of reason on the other end of my (evil) phone, to talk me out of whatever nonsense is clouding my mind. Sigh. Thank you for putting up with me, Adam. Sometimes, I'm not the most pleasant person to deal with - and I know that - but I'm a work in progress and learning that this blog is helping me in more ways than just to remember our memories. 

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