Saturday, August 17, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Five

The Longest Baseball Night EVER

Our day started of mmmm mmmm sweet!
Adam's Aunt Kim has NEVER been to The Cheesecake Factory (a sure crime, right?!), so it was a top priority of hers while vacationing here this week to get a taste of the delectable menu. And we got to tag along! Pretty sure she was more than satisfied with her experience...and her delicious cheesecake, complete with Reese's, Butterfinger, caramel, and Oreo (I think)!! How could you not love this place?!
(If you've never been to TCF, you're missing out on a 30+ cheesecake flavor menu. It's the real deal.)

We're so happy to have you here, Kim!!

We said our goodbyes...and then, it was back to baseball. The Suns played a doubleheader last night. Well...they played a doubleheader...they didn't finish it. In game 1 - after an hour rain delay - the opposing team's catcher took a foul tip to the throat. He passed out immediately. They got him back up, and he passed out again. It was really scary. Terrifying, actually. The medics came down, spent quite some time checking him out, and eventually wheeled him off the field. I don't know his status now, but I think he's ok. Thank goodness.

The second game, was just outrageous. With the rain delay and the injury delay, we were already in for a long night. But when the seventh inning passed with no score, we were really in for it. None of us had eaten since 7, so our worker-friends at the stadium delivered this little gift to us. Rather, BIG gift. An entire garbage bag filled with popcorn! Hahaha too funny! 

This: not so funny.
That's 12:56 AYYY EMMM (emphasized enough for ya?!)
We were in to, 16th inning of the night (or somewhere around there) before 1:00 AM rolled around. Still, no score. So, since Southern League rules state that an inning cannot be started after 1 in the morning (the "curfew"), the game was called and set to resume the next day (today). It was outrageous, and the longest night at the field any of us had ever experienced. Adam and I got home at 1:30, looked at each other, laughed, ate some crockpot ribs, and then got into a late-night delirious argument over something ridiculous I can't even remember now. The whole night was a joke...not a very funny one at the time, but today, we're laughing about it. And hoping that we don't have another 1 AM curfew in a VERY long time.

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