Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Eight

The Nagging Back
(And Twenty-Third Start)

Everyone! It's me again, Adam...Kendall's husband? She finally corralled me into writing a blog post after an impressive streak of absence. I'm writing this from an ipad in Chattanooga Tennessee, we are currently in the playoff hunt, and it's the dog days now. This is a picture of Nina, remember her? She is engaged to our good friend Josh Adams who currently plays in Jupiter for the Hammerheads. She was able to advise Kendall about her back pain and gave her results of her MRI. The MRI didn't show any clear signs of what's causing the problem, so the search continues to identify the chronic culprit!

Clearly Nina and her co-workers have long days at work, just like there are long days during the season. We all have our ways of keeping our sanity, and on this particular day it seems that Nina's remedy was a fake mustache and some goofing around. Sure makes sense she's Kendall's friend huh?

Sometimes in baseball runs come easy, and other times they are scarce. This time of year the teams that get hot win. After all the best team doesn't always win, it's the team that plays best. I know with this group of guys we can shut down an offense and produce runs, it's an exciting time of year!

When I lose a baseball game, sometimes I like to think the thought "I didn't lose, I just ran out of time." This is especially the case when you play good baseball, but things don't work out. In close baseball games, momentum and concentrating are key. On days we play double headers, time is precious, and although I thought we did some things right, I mostly think we ran out of time yesterday. It happens, and I do my best to learn from my time spent at the yard. Win, lose, or...well in baseball there is no draw. A major reason I don't care for soccer, no offense. 

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