Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and One

The Suns in the Sun

Off days aren't often.
There might be 2 per month - at best. 
So yesterday, when the Suns got the entire day to choose anything besides baseball to do, a few of them ended up here, at Jacksonville Beach. With a football. Sigh. If it ain't one, it's the other. Proof enough that guys just like to throw things. Any sorta things. Even when their arms are hanging on by strings (skin, that is).

This pup accompanied us all day. Despite her constant panting, running, pooping, and shedding, Michael - our closer - did nothing but show this little beauty all the love he could. It was so sweet! And now, Adam and I want to buy a dog...for Michael!

Trouble comes, not in threes, but FOURS! Say hello to half the pitching staff! They're spicy and sassy and all sorts of ornery...and my few added touches describe these punks a bit better than the original ;) 

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