Monday, August 12, 2013

Day Seven Hundred

The Pensacola Finale
(And Day SEVEN HUNDRED?!!! Wow)

When you vacation in Pensacola, Florida, it's considered a crime if you don't visit their beach. Adam committed that crime. But Tiffany and I...our hands are squeaky clean. Beach visit, we did!  

So fun! 
We spent the day at Quietwater Beach - an oxymoron if you'd ask me! It was the place to be, with music, people, and restaurants all around. Tiff and I tanned and talked for a solid three hours before heading back to the truck with our bronzed - not burned - skin.

But twenty feet from the truck, this truck and that car were in our way. Ambulances, firetrucks, and policemen covered the scene. Tiffany and I walked past a couple of crying girls and asked them if they were ok. Everyone involved in the wreck was ok, but those two girls were really shaken up. At 15 and 16 years old, the two of them were passengers of the red truck, along with two other boys. The driver's breaks of the truck gave out somehow and he slammed into the silver car, twice. Their lips were fat and bleeding, so, Tiff and I went into immediate Mommy-Mode. We took the girls into our truck, turned on the AC, gave them water, called their parents, and told them everything was going to be ok. Later, all of the kids' parents showed up and we were able to leave. It was crazy. And I told Adam as soon as I saw him that I'm never having kids. Ok, that's a lie. But seeing those kids in that wreck made me sick just thinking about what it would be like to get a similar - or worse - phone call about my child.  

We left the beach, and when we got to the field, this was waiting for us. A double rainbow (look really hard for the second one!)!!!!!! It was the best way to end my road trip. With God's promise right before me. It was seriously such an incredible 5 days. I left there more encouraged, uplifted, and faithful...a sort of revival in Christ that I am so desperately thankful for. 

Oh yeah, and another highlight of the night: Adam and Zack (Tiffany's fiance) got to ride all the way back to Jacksonville in the truck WITH us and not on the bus!! Yahoo! We definitely won't be getting used to that, but happy girls, nonetheless!

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