Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day Five Hundred and Thirty-Eight

The Man Wanted Leftovers!

I can't believe it's already been a year since we last saw Joe in Jupiter. Remember Day 178 ? Joe (Adam's agent) comes down every Spring Training to catch up and meet with all of his clients...including us! It was such a treat to see him. Adam picked well when he selected Joe to represent him and I'm thankful for a discerning husband...even before I knew him! We ate at Joe's favorite local restaurant - Leftovers - the same place we ate at last year! Sweet potato crusted chicken salad...mmmmmm!!

Uhm. We're freezing here.
And Washington, don't even start. 
When you're used to 87 degrees and 90% humidity, 63 is REALLY COLD! And 43 for an overnight low this week? Oh my gosh. Give me a pea coat and some boots! BRRRR!

Wrapped in a blanket, Adam took me to another local high school baseball game to support JJ (the Marlins' rehab coordinator's son). In Florida, baseball's a much much bigger thing than in Washington...can't you tell?! Holy crowd! And that was only one itty bitty portion of the fans!

(iPhone picture...sorry!)

That's fourth meal, people!!
Hooray for healthy Adam...all I gotta do now is pack back on the 5 pounds he lost this week. Ughhhhh!!!

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