The Big League Clydesdales
Adam played the Cardinal's "B" team yesterday on the Cardinal side of the complex. Unlike the Marlin's setup for pre-game bullpens (Day 529), the Cardinals use this little side field for warm-ups. I think I like our side better, but their dirt road made for a neat photo.
Ok, so not the picture I'd normally take of Adam pitching in a game, right? Right. But when I tell you that both the President of Operations and the General Manager of the Miami Marlins are sitting in that golf cart watching my man, your feelings change, right? Right! :)
This was really a sweet sight for me to see. These two men are quite powerful in the realm of Adam's career and watching them watch my husband was a really neat experience. Fingers crossed that they liked what they saw! ;)
Adam threw one inning yesterday, striking out the first. The second guy flew out and the third hit a bloop single. Then the fourth ripped a double and Adam walked the fifth. Finally, the sixth hitter grounded out. Adam touched 96 MPH on the chilly February outing.
Look who I found in the Cardinal's parking lot!!!!
This was the real thing...complete with the two coachmen and that sweet Dalmation (and some random guy...ok, he's probably not random)!
The Clydesdales trotted around the warning track before yesterday's Spring Training game between the Marlins and the Cardinals. And true to Budweiser fashion, the huge animals showed up in style...yes, that's THREE 18-wheelers parked in the Cardinal's lot. Four horses per semi and one for the carriage and pup. These beautiful beasts travel like kings!
Dennis said it was a bit chilly but he really enjoyed the game. cant wait till i get to attend a game....hope that happens soon!