Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day Five Hundred and Forty-Six

The Chang's Gang

We're like, real Jupiter locals now! Yesterday was our third baseball game at our third Jupiter high school. We love it. The community here is so supportive of its students and especially involved in everything sports. It's been a joy to be just a small part of this season, and we're looking forward to seeing how our Gardens Gators finish it out.

The Chang's Gang.
We LOVE this place.
Two 4-course meals for $40? You don't have to tell us twice! Our quadruple date night was quite lovely. Just like it always is with these friends.

The four of us could (and have) spend all night talking, if given the opportunity. Last night, we got three hours together before...

My husband self-valeted our own truck in front of the restaurant, standing there - just like that - for 5 minutes before I got the clue that he wanted to leave...

But Zack's efforts were much clearer. He walked over to Amber, picked her up, and just carried her away. Ok guys, thanks a lot. We still had another hour - easy - of things to talk about. RUDE!

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