Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day Five Hundred and Forty-Five

The First Cut

The Marlins must not have been as excited about Adam's strikeout as I was. Because the next day, they sent him down to minor league camp. Booooo. Haha. Ok, I'm kidding :) We knew this was bound to happen, but were clinging on to the distant hope that maybe they'd keep him in big league camp just one more week. With 73 men in camp and only 25 spots on the roster, the Marlins (like all big league teams) have to trim their spring training list every week to get to their starting team. Obviously, with only one year in the system, Adam wasn't going to make the cut. And being one of the youngest and least experienced players in camp, he was part of a group of 11 others who got sent down yesterday. He was called into the office by the Marlins GM Mike Hill, accompanied by Manager Mike Redmond and Pitching Coach Chuck Hernandez. They sat him down, told him the news, and insisted that Adam maintain his strength and to "keep doing what you're doing." I wish I could have been a fly on a wall in that room yesterday, but Adam assured me that they had nice things to say about him, his work ethic, and his talent.

So although we're a little bummed, we do have some good news to smile about. If Adam stays healthy and continues working hard, we're looking forward to starting this next season in Jacksonville, FL with the Marlins AA team.

My MRI results are in. Nothing is torn (thank goodness), but doc said that I have some sort of rare nerve inflammation (he's pointing to it) which is the source of most of my pain. It's so rare, in fact, that the imaging company I got the MRI from, called my doctor and asked him for a lesson on the injury. Doc used some big words that I could barely understand, but what I do know is that only time will heal my shoulder. And with 3 weeks away from Crossfit, this was dismal news. It just needs time to rest...and I just need to WORKOUT! Ugh!

Date night with the Gerbers!
The Cheesecake Factory is always a safe bet and works for Paleo! We had lots to talk about, but high up on the list was conversation about us possibly purchasing their small car. The Conleys have a lot to consider in these next few weeks, and we're trying to figure out the best and most conservative way to save on money, miles, and stress this season! Prayers for wisdom and discernment are appreciated :)

On our way home from dinner, we saw a scary picture unfolding before us. A motorcyclist was cut off by another vehicle and crashed in the middle of the intersection. We didn't witness the event, but saw the man lying on the median as we drove by and immediately called 911. He clearly had serious road rash and a broken leg. But thank goodness, he was wearing his helmet (it's not a law in FL). Pray for his full recovery. My goodness, so scary.

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