Monday, March 11, 2013

Day Five Hundred and Forty-Seven

The Early Twins

I ate twins for breakfast yesterday.
And strangely, I felt a slight twinge of guilt.
Too bad for them though...they tasted extra good.

But then I got extra mad.
I showed up to the field - after leaving church 45 minutes early - and this is what I saw. Adam running. Wait? What? Why would he be running before he pitched? Surely he hadn't pitched yet? I was 5 minutes early! Well, they were early too. 30 minutes early. So what was supposed to be a 12 noon game time was actually an 11:30 start. NOOOOOOOOOO! Sigh
Apparently, he threw one inning, which actually turned into 5 hitters (instead of 3) because of how well he pitched. That good news made me feel a little better. But I was still one bummed wife. Thankfully, it was only a simulation game. At least that's what I keep telling myself. Grrrr.

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