Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day Five Hundred and Forty-Eight

The Long Awaited Cornbread!

Every spring, a Women's Conference is held for the ladies of both the major and minor league baseball players, coaches, and staff. A Christian organization called Baseball Chapel hosts the event and everyone is invited. Yesterday marked my second year in attendance and once again, I left feeling encouraged, capable, and mostly ready for the crazy days of summer. I had the opportunity to speak with many of the ladies who've already been through the minor league scramble and I feel fortunate and blessed to have the time I did with them. They offered me lots of tips and tricks to prepare me for the unexpected days ahead, but hopefully, I won't have to put the information to much use this year (at least not until the end!) Most of them have moved far too many times, and truth be told, I'm hoping for a nice long stint in AA this year before heading elsewhere (like...MIAMI!? Hey, a girl can have dreams!) in September.

Oh you know...
Just busy at WORK!
(And yes, the two computers are completely necessary!)
My Origami Owl business is about to take off (I hope!) and I'm just preparing for it!

It's been quite the journey with my new "diet" these past few months, and honestly, I'll likely continue it. Mostly. But last night was MY night, and my crave for cornbread was finally satisfied. Gosh, taco casserole...I've missed you. Also yesterday, I ate half of a Panera cookie, one biscuit, and a light drizzle of dressing on my salad. But nothing else. And yes, my tummy hated me. I think that'll do for now. This diet has totally changed my outlook on food and I'm truly thankful for it. Oh, and I was measured again. I lost a total of 4 inches in 9 weeks (and three of the weeks, I couldn't workout!).  Wahoo! I love Paleo :)

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