Thursday, July 14, 2016

Day Seventeen Hundred and Sixty-Six

The Goodbyes Never Get Easier but The Dates ALWAYS Get Better

We bid an unfortunate and sad farewell to one of my besties yesterday.

His locks were getting longer and longer, and with pressure from compliance on hair length within the Marlins organization, last week, he chopped off two inches. Not that any of you noticed because he had so much hair. But after the cut, everything went downhill. Just like it always does when he tries to get a trim. Adam's words. But, I was secretly - and with great struggle - nodding in agreement. And so, faced with a mostly unmanageable and sketchy hair do, Adam forsook my dearest friend and threw him straight into the trash can. 


But OH?!
And though his iconic(?) silhouette has now been altered - oh man am I going to miss that "flip" - I must admit that I'm quite a fan of his new look! And his obviously impressive Daddy skills. 

After chopping off six inches of hair (maybe more, maybe less), Adam's first desire was to jump into the pool. So, we spent our last day home together, swimming in the salty oasis we love to call ours while continuing our best efforts to teach this water-obsessed baby how to swim. Yesterday, she was submerged and sorta swimming for three whole seconds!

Then, a little game of catch.

And finally, A DATE NIGHT FOR MOMMY AND DADDY - at home (our favorite place, especially now!!), eating our most favorite meal on the planet (our skirt steak marinade is untouchable), with the best company. We've NOT YET enjoyed a date to ourselves since Amelia was born. Unless, of course, you count that one time we went to the dentist together and left Amelia with Lara. But this time, we were in the same room, without any dentists in our mouth, recharging the marriage and relationship I am so thankful for. This man continually provides for me a safe, holy, honest environment to thrive in and as I said goodbye to him tonight (he's now in St. Louis), I couldn't help but realize just how undeserving I am of everything I've been given, but how grateful I am that God's entrusted me with what He has. 

Our first MLB All-Star Break has officially come to an end, and we feel more alive than ever. Adam is completely recharged - something that he wasn't even expecting to feel because he didn't realize how much being in our new home home would affect him. What a beautiful blessing and the most perfect break. We needed it.

And also, just because I thought it was such an incredible text, one of my dearest friends and mentors sent me this the other day:

"What an amazing transformation of your home! That must have been just a wonderful moment of awe when you saw the makeover! Can you imagine how much more extraordinary it will be when we are transformed in the presence of Christ and we see clearly his holiness and glory! Praise God for his amazing grace! And your home...what a blessing!"

Incredible truth, right?! And such wisdom. That text came from the same woman who led me to the Lord 6 years ago. And it was actually her home that initially caused a stirring within me when I was a junior in college. I remember walking into her home and feeling an immediate peace overwhelm me. A kind I hadn't experienced before. One that I wasn't looking for. Her home was safe. It was inviting. It was home. And since then, a constant prayer of mine has been that one day, I'd have a home that would resonate Truth and peace and restfulness. A place people could come to, gather in, relax in, and by his grace, feel the presence of Christ in. I don't know if that's what we have yet, but next time you're here, let me know ;) Until then, I'll just keep on praying. 

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