Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Day Seventeen Hundred and Forty-Four

The Yeast Beast

Amelia found out that she's officially 26 pounds and 34 inches long yesterday.
That leaves her in the 95th percentile for height and between the 75th and 90th percentile for weight. In case you were unsure, our child is ginormous. Dad calls girls like her (and myself) "breeders." He means it as a term of endearment. I just shake my head.

I took our happy 16-month-old in for a doctor's appointment yesterday to see if my latest mommy-hunch was correct. Amelia is perfectly healthy except, the other day, I noticed something that looked like a piece of skin on her lip. I tried wiping it off, but it wouldn't budge. I didn't think much of it until later that day when I saw another little patch of the same thing on her upper lip. So I held her down (which she promptly put up a fight about) and opened her mouth to find a sort of whitish coating on her lips and a few little patches on her tongue. I immediately began treating her for Thrush with a probiotic, white vinegar and water, and some coconut oil mixed with grapefruit seed extract. To my own regimen, I added some stuff as well. Thrush is an overgrowth of yeast, which is a very common symptom of breastfeeding. Usually it happens much earlier in life, but because Amelia still breastfeeds mostly on demand, she managed to become the breeding ground for some pesky yeast. To respect the other mamas around me, I wanted to be sure my own diagnosis was correct, so we decided to visit the doc. She confirmed my suspicions and said to continue with what I was already doing (hooray!) and gave me prescription just in case. However, after our appointment, I met with a homeopath - who also works for the pediatrician and the reason I chose the doctor in the first place - and she gave me two separate remedies that Amelia's been taking now for two days. We're hoping it goes away soon, because though it's not known for being contagious except between her and I, it's still lame to put up with!

We got home from her doctor visit, put on our workout clothes, and headed outside into the sunshine! Amelia's getting busier and busier and doesn't much prefer being inside if she has the option to be outside.

So, I took my chubby-sausaged-legged toddler to the park!

She pointed at every airplane that flew over us, 

and said tweee tweee to the birdies munching on her broken pretzels.

When the birds flew away, we stood by the ocean and watched the dolphins swim by, and then capped off our time outside with a bench workout followed by a whole bunch of stairs. Mimi did them three whole times. Girl after Dada's heart.

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