Sunday, May 29, 2016

Day Seventeen Hundred and Twenty

The Three Pretties

THIS is what I get to wake up to every morning!!!! Like, total swoon, right?! Ah! My baby is perfect!!

All the heart eyes, all the time! Goodness, my heart just overflows for this girl!

Yesterday, we went swimming, played pool volleyball, and got lots of sunshine. 

Auntie Shelby did get a tiny bit burned, but it's already looking better today! She seems to be enjoying herself, even though we probably half drowned her during volleyball! She's a trooper though and did well for her first time playing with our competitive bunch. 

Since it was Shelby's last night home before leaving to Miami, we decided to get out and show her a little bit of our town! We took her to dinner with some friends, enjoyed the balmy ambiance, and forced her to take her first sip of sangria ;) She didn't much care for it. And the same goes for how Amelia is feeling about her NEW TOOTH! 

Little Miss Thing just got her first molar! It popped through yesterday and since, she's been taking it like a champ! The only symptom she's had is a slightly runny nose! Sweet girl. So strong. Just like her Mama and Auntie. 

We love you Auntie Shelby! Thanks for coming to visit us at home at the last second! We'll miss having you here, but at least we get to enjoy you for a few more days down in Miami!!

Oh and...since we're having painters come paint our house, we needed the safe moved. Since Adam was missing, I enlisted the help of our next door neighbors (and Trent) to push the 800 pound safe a whole 5 feet. It took all their effort. And then some. (John is using his pointer finger haha!)

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