Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day Nine Hundred and Forty-Four

The Sixth Apartment

It seems, I too have fallen victim to the locker room bug. Not weird. It comes with the territory. I do however, now have a vivid image of what life might be like once we add a few elementary-aged children into the Conley mix. Them with their cute faces...and ugly viruses riding piggyback on their backpacks. Ugh. So not looking forward to fighting off those future household epidemics. least I'm getting plenty of experience in right now!

So, since I spent so much time here yesterday - laying around doing nothing and feeling generally like a piece of poo - I thought it might be the perfect time to show off Apartment #6. Without further adieu (to my Grama, mostly. Hi Gram!), our home: 

Where we live.

Where we cook.

Where we…get ready. Ha!

Happy Sunday, people!
To my family: I love you. And even though we're going through a lot right now, hold tight. It'll get better. It always does.
To my friends: I love you too. Thanks for being so good to me. For your prayers, your support, your encouragement, and your laughs - whether near or distant - I am so grateful. 

It is only by God's grace that I'm so blessed to call you all my own.


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