Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Seventy-Three

The Best Dog Ever
(And Shower Time!)

Shower time!
And in this house, that means garbage bags, tape, Saran Wrap, stair crawls, and a shower chair. Oh, and one cute naked boy of course!

Scratch that
Two naked boys!
Bath time is a a bit of a process in this house currently…

All cleaned up. All bundled up. Time to play!
Tater and Tot (the two puppies on the right) love fetch more than I love chocolate. And that's saying a lot. Yesterday, they got plenty of it! Fin on the other hand, he just sort of got in the way. But Tater and Tot love Fin, so they didn't mind.

Tater and Tot. The best of pals. And the most loyal dogs I have ever met. 
I'm so happy that I got a chance to take so many photos of these two yesterday because today, I got a call from my mom from up on the mountain. Her and Dan took Tater up to the ski slopes for the weekend, but tonight, Tater suddenly passed away. The news was shocking and devastated our family. Tater was one of us and we'll miss him dearly. He's the cute brown puppy on the left and the best fetch partner a friend could ask for. Whenever Adam and I dream about our dogs, we always say, "…they have to be just like Tater. Smartest, best dog ever." Gosh, Tater. We miss you so much.

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