Monday, February 3, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Seventy-Five

The Love above all Love

A happy Sunday.
The three of us together were able to conquer an entire morning of showering, eating, changing, packing, and driving to church…all by 10 AM. 
*Round of applause for this unpracticed Auntie* 
Our early morning efforts - complete with a few bribes and one HUGE Auntie Kendall fall - were so worth it.

Sitting there in that church with my two nephews will forever be one of my fondest memories. With Hunter singing and dancing to Jesus on my left and Bearett's bright blue eyes staring at me from below - in the safety of my arms - Christ showed me an image of life that I've never seen before. And I've never felt so comforted. Yesterday, I realized just how much I love these two beautiful boys. How much I would give to do and be anything for them. And that ultimately, the love that I do have for them - this unconditional, everlasting love - is only a speck in comparison to the perfect Love that the Father pours into me. My hope and prayer for Bearett and Hunter is that one day, they'll know, feel, and choose to be in relationship with this Love above all Love.

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