Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Eighty

The WHALEcome Baby Cake

I sacrificed my entire kitchen (and a small piece of my sanity) for this cake yesterday. It was totally worth it. Totally. We're WHALEcoming our little (unborn) friend, Colton to the world soon!! Here's to you, baby boy! You (well, mostly Mommy) can have your cake AND eat it too! 

This was maybe my favorite Pinterest project to date. I can't be sure though because I've liked quite a few so far! Channing's baby shower was approaching a few weeks ago and I took reigns of the cake. Ok, I've never made a cake before, but I figured, hey, I got this. So, I started researching. And by researching, I mean, I went straight to Pinterest. And voila! Found my inspiration!! A big shout out to The Hungry Housewife whose cake I decided to make my own. Sort of. If homemade frosting, blue ombre inside layers, and a toy whale decoration count as making it my own ;) Oh, and I didn't have any at the time of the photo, but I also added baby's breath flowers to the whale's spout for a blow-hole effect! Success!

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