Monday, February 10, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Eighty-Two

The Name's Macy

Hi, I'm Macy. 
I'm a 3-month old Cocker Spaniel and I love baseball, just like my daddy. Right now, my mom and dad are in Jamaica and the Grand Cayman Islands, kissing and eating on a cruise ship. They just got married. They couldn't take me, so I have to stay with Adam and Kendall for the week. That's ok though because they're always home and giving me lots of rubs.

They take me to the baseball park, where they let me play with new friends.
I really like that.

I really liked Lola's fire hydrant leash too. It was fun to chase.

But what I like most about Adam and Kendall is that they take me on rides and let me experience the best feeling ever: bliss.

Thanks for choosing them, Mom and Dad. You picked good.

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