Friday, January 3, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Forty-Four

The Book Club

We had no expectations the day we knocked on all our neighbors doors with candy and a "Merry Christmas." We just wanted those living around us to have something to smile about and something yummy to eat. And maybe even the slightest feeling of something like love.

Well, we met a lot of people and shook a lot of hands and even got a few thank you cards in return, slipped underneath our door. Fast forward a few days to New Years and Adam and I are at a local hang out celebrating the festivities. Across the table, two girls were waving at us. At first, we didn't recognize them…and then suddenly it hit me! The sisters! The sisters down the hall that we brought candy to! We spent the rest of the evening chatting with them over drinks and the NYC Ball Drop on TV. Next thing I know, I've been invited to their book club, and yesterday, I found myself sitting with a new group of girls at a cute little restaurant, talking books…but mostly talking life. Hello! Incredible! Turns out, I wasn't comfortable asking these new pretty faces for their picture. I didn't want to look stalker-ish (I didn't tell them about my blog project yet), so instead of catching their grins, I went outside and took a photo of the beautiful city around us. Wow. What a night. And all because of a bag of candies and the desire to connect with the community around us. Can't wait to see how these relationships grow.

In other news…
Currently, I'm sitting in the truck, typing on my computer, connected to the internet through the hot spot on my phone…traveling North to the port!
But we're not sure what the internet connection looks like on the ship. We've never taken a cruise before, so we don't have any idea how it works. So it might be that I can't post for the next 3 days because of lack of internet connection. If that's the case, I'll post the next days of photos on Monday when we get back!

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