Saturday, December 7, 2013

Day Eight Hundred and Seventeen

The Cougar Family

In three days of incredible teaching, beautiful worship, encouraging fellowship, and brand new friendships, we're leaving PAO recharged and more excited for season than ever before. The Lord moved BIG TIME this week. Lives were changed, hearts were stirred, and focus was sharpened. And our friends joined The Family. I couldn't have asked for anything better to come of our time in Key Biscayne. 

We were given so much to consider - by pastors and speakers including David Platt, Jackie Kendall, Dave & Ann Wilson, Anthony Evans, Propaganda, Matt Parker, and Gari Meacham - but the one thing that stuck to my heart was something Pastor Miles McPherson said:

"When you go to bed at night, somebody is going to tell you, 'Well done, good and faithful servant.' And that somebody is either going to be God or the devil." 

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