Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day Eight Hundred and Fifteen

The First of Many

Take baseball players who love Jesus…

Add the desire for community, worship, and learning...
And PAO is born.

Surrounded by hundreds of our own peers, this conference has given us the opportunity to come together as Christians…who happen to play baseball…to worship a Mighty God. Over the past 40+ years, Pro Athlete Outreach has invited talented speakers and artists to come together to illustrate the amazing God we worship. It's staff and team are former professional athletes - and their spouses - who have a deep understanding of our lives and the realities we face in the realm of baseball. They each have a heart for encouraging us and a desire to grow alongside us and have made our time here the sweetest. Our experience here has been unforgettable so far, and in just two days, we're certain of one thing: we'll be back for years to come. 

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