Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Eighty-Six

The Fat and the Skinny

This is how I'm contributing to Adam's weight gain: egg and flour fried mushroom soup pork chops with a side of buttery, milky potatoes. And some asparagus for color. 

This is how I'm contributing to my weight maintaining/loss: Paleo banana muffins with a side of chocolate Paleo banana muffins for dessert! And at 6 calories per muffin, I can eat as many as my tummy can fit!

Did I ever mention the challenge I face every day in the kitchen, preparing two separate meals every all fat and buttery and outrageously tempting...the other, all healthy and green and not tempting whatsoever. It's just not fair! Let me be Adam for a day, I say!! ;) I would eat so much cheesecake, oh my gosh. And ice cream. Tons of it. Texas Roadhouse rolls too...mmmm. Hey, a girl can dream!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog! I am also married to a Minor League player and face the same struggle in the kitchen! Sometimes I wish somebody would tell me I had to gain weight haha!
