Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Eighty-Five

The Wanna-Be Sub

Just on my way to class...

...to learn how to become a SUBSTITUTE TEACHER!

Adam and I decided that a reasonable and exciting way to get involved in the community here without being held down to a strict schedule, is for me to substitute teach...IN THE SCHOOL DISTRICT! Like, a real life substitute! Yahoo! And since Florida's substitute laws are the way they are, I don't even need a teaching certificate to teach! My bachelor's degree works just fine (which is quite the contrary to Washington laws)! Now, I only need to complete one more three hour class (like the one I attended last night), a bit of paperwork, an orientation, a background check, and fingerprinting, and I'll be well on my way to teacher-for-the-day! I can't even begin to explain how excited I am that the Lord's opened this up to me. I never knew that when I grew up, I'd be - among all the other things I didn't know I'd be - a substitute!

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