Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Seventy-Two

The Baseball Baking Housewife

I spent most of my time in the kitchen yesterday. Look at me go, little baseball housewifey! Wahoo! I prepared Adam some spicy chicken enchiladas for dinner. I'd never made them before and they were just ok. Turns out, I'm not quite the Pioneer Woman I dreamt I might be. She's much better at this than me. Sigh. Maybe it just takes a lot of time. Yeah, I'll go with that. My cheesecake turned out much better though. At least as far as taste goes. An A+, actually! That's because I used Daddy's recipe...and it's the greatest and most special recipe I own. Gosh, I miss him. So much. Deep breath. Anyways, as for presentation goes, I got an F. For sure. I made the cheesecake for a friend of mine, who's favorite color is purple. So, I dyed it purple. Duh! Darn cute! But when I placed it in the fridge to cool, I totally dented the cake on accident. It went from oh so oh so ugly. A purple massacre! My dad would be frowning, horrified! Haha ;) But after tasting it, he'd hug me again and tell me how great of a cheesecake-baking team we make. Love you Daddy. And I think about you all the time.

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