Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Seventy-Nine

The Resurrected Blues

I'd say most times, when a pair of pants looks anything like these, they get canned. Tossed. Trashed. That's most times in someone else's household though. Not in this one. We ain't got the funds for that! Especially not with the way Adam's eating right now. Food or clothes, Honey. You pick. Well, we have a plenty of calories chillin in the fridge...if that gives you any inclination of Adam's loyalties. So, instead of retiring a pair of his favorites, this little homemaker whipped out a needle and threaded the lacerated jeans back to life.

What I learned:
I figured it out...when I write my blog too late at night, Adam somehow feels sorry for me and does the dinner dishes. And although I'd rather get into the habit of writing my words much earlier in the day, this late night posting does have a nice little payoff...hehehe. Hey, I scratch your back, you scratch mine?!

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