Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Seventy-Eight

The Day With Trae

They're everywhere I look and everywhere I go.
They're in stores and at the pool and next to me during church. They're in magazines, online, and call me on Skype. They're at the gym, in friends' bellies, and riding in cars. Oh, they're everywhere, and I can't get enough of the cute, chubby, irresistible little faces that make me want to create my own.

I mean, c'mon, why does he have to be so scrumptious?! I just want to kiss and kiss and kiss him!!! Trace and I (Kelsey too!) enjoyed an afternoon together while I got situated with the little guy's daily routine. Eventually, when Kelsey leaves for vacation, I'll babysit for his mama when she needs me to! Yahoo!!

What I learned:
Now-a-days, instead of those lame, normal baby monitors that work like one-way walkie talkies, they have VIDEO baby monitors that you can actually view your sleeping child on! Like, what?! I am definitely going to exploit that technology once I'm a mom. Oh yeah!

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