Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Thirty

The Second Anniversary of "I Do."

On 9.10.11, Adam and I said we did.
On 9.10.13, Adam and I said we do.
And as long as we choose those two words, year after year, ain't nothing going to stop us from our Bucket List 50th Anniversary.

Keeping with tradition, I blew up 50 balloons yesterday - 2 white for 2 years and 48 teal for 48 more - and surprised him as he woke up. 

Then, he surprised me with these little legos (that he built himself!) when I woke up! Hahaha so awesome!
Adam the polar bear and Kendall the giraffe. They go together like lamb and tuna fish. (<--- Big Daddy reference, hehehe)

Another surprise! We're going to the Bahamas!
And he even picked out this fantastic cotton bathing suit all by himself!
Yes, Adam, in response to your little drawing ("Will you b my Bahama Mama?"), I'll gladly be your Bahama Mama!!

Fact: traditionally, you give the gift of cotton on your second, once we got up, opened presents, got dressed, and packed, I took Adam on my own little surprise cotton adventure. We hopped in the truck and drove 3 hours north to Georgia. Where the cotton fields are plenty

He's so easy to love.

My date. My dream. My dear.
Two years have come and gone. And I'd still choose him every time.

We ate at The Cotton Exchange and stayed in an old cotton warehouse that's been converted into a historical hotel in Savannah, GA. 

We celebrated two blessed years of marriage, reflecting on what God has given us and knowing that we couldn't be at this point in our relationship without Him. We've learned, especially, in these past two years, that the best way to love each other is by loving Jesus most.

 Happy second anniversary, Adam. 
You're an incredible husband.
I love you. 

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