Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day Seven Hundred and Thirty-One

The Anniversary Finale

It was a gooood morning from Savannah's River Street Inn. This historic hotel was one of the many highlights of our little anniversary getaway. (That guy in the photo was a pretty great highlight too.) 

Sticking to my cotton-themed surprise trip, I specifically chose for us to stay at River Street Inn because prior to its remodeling in 1817, this gorgeous building once served as an old cotton warehouse! How incredible is that?!

At one point in history - before the Civil War - this road was trafficked not by visitors or tourists, but by bales and bales of cotton. In fact, the entrances to every small shop on the street (which used to be old warehouse entrances) are arched doorways, which accommodated the bales of cotton that used to be transported in and out of them. So interesting! Cotton history all around us! We walked down this historical River Street, admiring its unique charm and other-world feel, both wondering of all the many shoes and stories that have traversed this iconic brick road.

And of course, we had to pose in front of The Cotton Exchange! Where our dinner was served the night before!

To top off our second anniversary cotton celebration, I surprised Adam with a ride in the puffy, white, cottony clouds of the south.  

Attached to a happy yellow parachute suspended over Shelter Cove Marina in Hilton Head, South Carlolina, Adam and I parasailed for the first time together.

It was so peaceful. Magically thrilling. And obviously a lot of fun. 

No matter what we do or where we go, as long as that smile is staring back at me, my life is full. 

Happy two years, Adam. 

I sure love you. 

1 comment:

  1. You 2 are so special and precious. We always stay at the River street inn when we are in Savannah. In fact we have reservations there when we will be there in October. Now it is even more special because I shall ever think of you 2 when we are there. Ye Olde Pink House is also a great place to eat and a short walk from The Riverstreet Inn. Love you both. Have fun in Washington. Looking forward to your return to south Florida. Blessings and Love xoxo
